

Project Rubrics Deadline HAS BEEN EXTENDED TO MARCH 7th, 5PM.

FBLA Chapters and members have the opportunity to participate each year in State Officer Projects, which are business and leadership learning experiences created by students for students.  How many projects you have to participate in depends on the number of delegates your Chapter has plus 1. For example, a larger chapter may have 4 delegates, so they would have to submit participation activities for 5 projects. More information is listed in the NH FBLA STATE CHAIRPERSON’S AWARD.


Ellie Brown

Kingswood Regional High School

Project: Insufferable Invasives

Olivia georgantas

Goffstown High School

Project: Defeat the Darkness

deepasha giri

Manchester West High School

Project: Community Connect


Annie Martino 

NH Virtual Chapter

Project: Living Local

Andrew McMorrow 

St. Thomas Aquinas High School

Project: Pathway to Potential


emma Micklon

Salem High School

Project: Hope for a Cure



Running for a State Officer position is an amazing opportunity. The campaigning process is a once-in-a-lifetime experience, as you get to learn about all the chapters throughout the state and meet students from every chapter. Once elected, state officers take on a wide range of responsibilities, such as running state meetings, making decisions on statewide projects, and connecting with members from across the nation. Being a state officer also brings forth even more opportunities for leadership, such as going to national events, leading workshops, and meeting members of the national counsels. If you would like to take advantage of these opportunities and many more, talk to your local chapter advisor about running for state officer, or download the 2025-2026 application packet to learn more.


The New Hampshire Leadership Committee was started by Maggie Mae Cove. Maggie Mae was a two term NH FBLA State Officer, served as the FBLA National President’s Chief of Staff (2021-22), interned for the CEO of FBLA and National Staff (2022), was the National President’s Executive Director of Region Outreach (2020-21), and the Founder and Chapter President of St. Thomas Aquinas High School’s FBLA Chapter.

The purpose of NHLC is to inform local chapter officers and members on what is going on at the state and national level. Meetings happen twice a month through 30 minute Zoom calls. These are an informal chance to get to know the State Officer team and learn about recent updates.

Anyone is able to attend, from someone who is a member to the chapter president, this information is geared toward local chapter officers but is good information for any member to have! 

Please follow the NH FBLA Instagram page for the meeting link or contact Ellie Brown.